I’ve been writing a lot this year about building reputations online.
It's a topic that more and more people are interested in.
One of the reasons for this is that businesses know they must make better use of the online world in order to get the business they need.
However, most businesspeople are frustrated by the fact that they put in lots of effort and don't achieve results.
There's a good reason for this. It's just not as easy as it once was to be noticed online.
There are over 2 million new blog posts published every day.
How are you going to make sure that your material is found by the right people online?
Well, one of the things you can do is to adopt a systematic approach to blogging and building online content. The challenge is that there is so much you could do, that it can all get a bit overwhelming.
Don't worry. I’ve now narrowed things down.
That’s good news, I think. I’ve also created a formula. That’s even better. You can follow the steps and achieve what you want.
Here’s the process.
First you need to create great online biographies. That’s because
people always want to learn something about you when they come across
you online. We focus first on LinkedIn, and then move on.
Second, you need to build your authority. That means writing really useful blog posts or authority content
so that your readers will see how you can help them. (Notice this has
nothing to do with the old approach to blogging where you share your
opinions and your world view with the online world.)
Third, you need to write a book or more than one book. There’s nothing quite like being an author to demonstrate your authority.
Of course, you need to take action offline as well. However, whether
you’re an employee looking for ways to help your career, or a business
person looking to be more successful – this approach works.
Click on the term Bios, Blogs and Books to learn more.
Moving On From The TQS
The TQS has had its day.
We're now working directly with training providers helping them to do more
business with employers.
We're focusing particularly ...
13 years ago