Tuesday 31 August 2010

Starting A Consulting Business - 100 Tips

Just started out on my odyssey.

I'm writing 100 tips to help those starting a consulting business to get things right during their first year in business.

Actually the tips apply to businesses at all stages in their development.

You can use them in an established business and in a business development unit.

I've called the first tip, tip zero. If you're just starting out, then you need to do this before you begin.

If you're established in business, then do this every time you launch a major new programme.

You can read the advice by clicking on:

Starting a consulting business – Time to change career

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Starting A Consulting Business

Starting a consulting business can be a daunting task, especially in 2010.

It's a task that takes a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of commitment.

If you're looking to do that they you will need to think carefully about what you want to achieve.

You will also need to plan your progress carefully.

When I support organisations and individuals I encourage them to build their businesses around six pillars of success.

You can download a pdf of the six pillars of success by clicking on this paragraph

When you think about the six pillars you need to think first about your vision.

Everything starts with your vision and your profit plan. You need to work out what people are prepared to buy.

Then you need to think about your key messages to your marketplace. You must have something to say that the world wants to hear.

Your reputation, your image and your brand are all important, too. The more you are respected, the more people will trust you.

Fourth on the list is your approach to marketing. There are so many ways you could work. Just find one that works for you.

Your website and your use of social media matter, too. You need to attract interest and convert interest to action. That's sales.

Finally, you need to think about your products and services.

Strange isn't it, that these are last on the list? Yet, most people think about these first.

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